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Studio Recruiting LizzieLovesStacy

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#21 dparadise


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Posted 28 March 2018 - 19:47 PM

Best of luck to LLS :)

Happy Holidays. Wishing you all a happy, healthy and amazing 2021!

#22 Jason777


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Posted 03 May 2018 - 18:45 PM

LLS is recruiting (potential) superstars who like to play the game and chat with us  :) (also playing around in the studio and being a bit dirty in the studio can too)  ;) Enough beds are empty just for you to come  :D  (8 open spots to fill)


We aren't a fully upgraded studio yet (because we are working on it and we will surely get fully upgraded by time even if it's slow with just the great people we have now), but we can give you some good times with friendly people who like to help and chat with you  (hug) 


Our studio has 21 .. 41 .. 29 and 30


If you feel like joining, send a message to either me, or my amazing producers saying how your ingame time is going, if you're active (and don't lie lol) and we will look what we can do for you and give you a trial of 2 weeks and if we see progress and great help, we see you as a family of us  (y) 


Have fun everyone and take care and hope to get some people who feel called  (drinks)  :D 



UK1 - Jason777

UK2 - JasonXXX

NU1 - JV676767

#23 jancan


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Posted 04 May 2018 - 02:57 AM

good luck jason  your a nice friendly guy  and the big LETTERS  are a nice touch .

  • Jason777 likes this

#24 Jason777


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Posted 05 August 2018 - 14:41 PM

LLS (LizzieLovesStacy) Looking for members to join the family and be part of a still growing strong studio.


You can have lots of help and tips, but that stays between the walls of LLS  :D 


Any level is welcome, as long as you are active. We know that even low levels can grow to high levels and get great for the studio  ;) 


We have also gotten lots of upgrades from the last time, so more benefit for you when you join us now  (party) 


Studio level: 23

Facilities: 48 (+48% basic skill points)

Popularity: 31 (+62% exp boost in missions)

Motivation: 31 (+62% notes boost in missions)


If you join, you will see that we are a nice bunch of people, just wanting fun and climb the ladder. You would also be free to roleplay as much as you want, we don't really have any rules in that, so feel free to roleplay in open chat even as long as you don't hurt the person mentally  ;) 


Just do 2 movies a day, use up like 150-200 energy a day and report every day for the fights. If you can't log in for some time, just tell me or the producers for how long and we will note that  :) We know real life comes before gaming.


So if you want to join us, just drop me a message. Doesn't matter what sexuality you are and what gender you prefer  (hug) 



UK1 - Jason777

UK2 - JasonXXX

NU1 - JV676767

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