LizzieLovesStacy is recruiting for new members, come join us if you want to be with nice, friendly, helpfull and sometimes playful people
- Minimum level 85
- Do atleast 2 movie a day
- Spend atleast 200 energy
- Do your best in temple (or try atleast). We don't need people who give 0 to just a few points
- Have fun in the game
- Tell us when you will be offline for some time, we will set it in the studio
- Try your best in temple activities
- Don't be shy to talk with us, we aren't bad people and we can help you in anything you need help with
- Get stronger with us at your own pace, don't need to go all out to try and keep up with all of us
- Have fun
Our studio stats are:
Studio level = 23
Facilities = 38
Popularity = 25
Motivation = 25
I make this post for my great and amazing girls Lizzie and Stacy because they trusted me and I helped them a lot in everything that they got great in the game thanks to my help I gave. This is the only thing we haven't yet done for our recruiting help because we were all busy with our things.
Love the studio and Lizzie and Stacy and will always stay with them.
(The text here above isn't important really for recruiting, but just to let it know xD )
To contact us, just simply message me (my name is JasonXXX) or message any of the other producers or Lizzie and we will surely message back
We hope to see some new faces in our studio and that we will be able to stay growing in all the rankings
PS: for more info, read our description (and there is also a self writen anthem there a studio member from us wrote)
Best regards and kisses from the whole LLS group